Rug Cleaning

Antique rugs should be looked after so they last you a lifetime.
— Green Geco Cleaning

From stubborn stain removal to complete renovation jobs

We clean rugs and carpets for private residential, rental or commercial clients within the Barcelona Province. We offer all our clients the same professional services.

Having your rugs regularly cleaned can not only ensure the colours stay true and hygienically sound but prolong the life of your favourite rugs and heirlooms.

Annual cleaning is recommended to get the most from your rugs and carpets to prolong their life and usability.  Dry soils such as sand and dirt carried in from outside on our shoes and paws of our furry friends travel into the fibres, build up and over time can grind the fibres down.

We take our time to withdraw the dry soils from the rugs before we move to use fibre-safe cleaning solutions, agitation and water extraction processes. For us, dry extraction is the most essential part of the process.

We have two main cleaning options, and the prices will depend on the size of the rug, please complete our form below and we can send you a quote.

Cleaning Options.

  • Full Rug Clean.

    It doesn't matter if your rug or carpet is in your home, Rental property or business, we offer the same professional services to you.

    We can offer a one-off clean or come on a regular basis to keep those rugs and carpets looking at their best.

  • Seasonal Clean.

    Carpets and Rugs tend to be used mainly during the winter months, we suggest before you pack them away we clean them for you ready for the following season.

    All you have to then do is wrap and store them, when Winter arrives just unroll and enjoy!

Get in touch.

Cleaned off-site in a maximum turnaround time of 1 week with a minimum charge of 40€ not including IVA.  

Items with more unusual materials will be quoted individually. We collect the rugs and clean them off-site and return them back.